Full Moon in Capricorn 2023

July 3 7:39 AM EST

This is a direct and straightforward full moon that in many ways reinforces the other themes we are working with now. This is all too fitting for the pragmatic and efficient sign of Capricorn. Ruled by the “Lord of Time” and karma, Saturn, Capricorn is most closely associated with the process of manifestation and the physical reality around us. Capricorn is a builder and a strategizer, a networker and a patient efficient planner. Capricorn builds their reality one stone at a time, and is remarkable in their ability to sideline and eliminate distractions which they deem useless and irrelevant to their path.

This can, of course, limit their vision. However, the higher the Capricorn energy rises in consciousness, the more its actions and goals are dictated by inherent inner knowing and wisdom rather than the fleeting values and status driven desires of whatever culture they are born of or aspire to. Capricorn is, after all, a HALF fish HALF mountain goat. And while the tenacious mountain goat part of their nature is most celebrated and encouraged in our culture, their fish tail is what taps them into the primordial waters of creation and meaning and from which they can draw enormous inspiration.

This deep well is available to all of us now, as is the Capricornian bridge between imagination and manifestation. But perseverance, tenacity and unwavering commitment are also necessary ingredients. Both Capricorn and Cancer, the sign where the sun is now transiting and opposing the full moon, are cardinal signs, energized and active. While this quality can be more obvious in the two other cardinal signs, Aries and Libra, due to their masculine (yang) polarity, Cancer and Capricorn are nonetheless signs with high vitality and an impulse towards action.

So during this upcoming two week period, when this full moons’ energetic is active, we are also primed to be feeling busy, efficient, and organized. We are well served to take action on cherished plans that may have fallen by the wayside, or get down to the un-glamorous business of sorting through paperwork and the like. Capricorn understands that there is no job too small, and that success depends on a strong and steady foundation.

Saturn is retrograde at 7 degrees of Pisces, sextile the full moon, and trine the sun, at 11 degrees of Capricorn and Cancer respectively. These auspicious sextiles and trines are always a good sign from the ruling planet of a lunation. Again, we have support in taking the steps we need, clearing our path, refocusing, cutting out distractions and trusting the way forward, just as Capricorn moves gradually but confidently up the mountain.

The sun at 11 Cancer is joined there by Mercury at 14 degrees of Cancer. So if anything, the cautious during this full moon is around being delicate with communication. Saturn and Capricorn can be direct and blunt, if not downright harsh and judgmental. And Cancer can be sensitive and sentimental so remaining aware of the tone we are using and striving for inclusivity and care also goes a long way now. Especially since Saturn itself, though normally quite ‘rigid’, is currently transiting through the most nebulous and sensitive sign of them all, Pisces.

Saturn in Pisces is a 3 year transit focused on realigning us with our spiritual center and making sure that it is from that place that we are co-creating in our lives. In other words, getting us down into the fishy tail of the Capricornian sea-goat. Saturn entered Pisces in March of 2023 so this is an ideal time, several months into the transit, to ‘check in’ on how well aligned we feel to our inner knowing and wisdom and what we are wanting, and feeling moved, to actively create in the world from that place.

The vast majority of aspects during this full moon are ‘positive’ ones, sextiles and trines, which again is an auspicious sign. Pluto, now back at 29 degrees of Capricorn, is trine to Uranus at 21 degrees of Taurus. Both are sextile to Neptune at 27 Pisces.

Uranus is actually the other ‘major player’ during this full moon, forming a trine to the full moon itself, and a square to the Venus Mars conjunction in late Leo. The conjunction between Venus and Mars in Leo is sexy, glamorous and romantic. The cosmic lovers are embracing in the sign of play, love affairs, speculation and creativity. So this is a ‘fertile’ aspect in every sense of the word. That said, it is important to note that there is NO actual conjunction between these two planets, since Mars is leading Venus and pulls away into Virgo (on July 10th) while Venus begins to slow down for her periodic retrograde (beginning on July 22). Without an actual conjunction to concretize (a Capricorn word) the Venus/Mars connection, there can be stalls, delays, re-starts, etc with things that we begin now.

Venus in Leo, and Venus retrograde in Leo, is one of the big stories of this summer. And in some ways it fits rather awkwardly with this full moon. Capricorn and Leo are, after all, inconjuct one another, meaning they don’t have a very clear or intuitive relationship energetically, they can work at cross purposes or easily misunderstand each other. Capricorn thinks long term and is business-minded. Leo leads from the heart and is concerned with passion and creation in the here and now. So bringing ‘the head’ and ‘the heart’ into coherence is one of the tasks of this full moon.

Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say that this full moon may expose obstacles or issues we have in our lives (or psyches) to allowing for a healthy resonance and cooperation between our head and heart. With Venus about to go retrograde (July 22 – September 3), much of the rest of the summer will be an ‘exploration’ (invited or not) of what we need to shift and adjust in the Venusian realms of our life; namely, love and money. So this full moon could be that ‘wake up call’ in a sense about what those issues are. Again, with so many positive aspects during this full moon, there is every possibility for it to be a ‘gentle’ wake up call.

But, coming back to Uranus in Taurus square to the Venus/Mars Leo conjunction (and trine to the full moon), Uranus INSISTS that we do indeed get the message. Uranus is uncompromising when it comes to up-leveling our consciousness and eliminating the old and outdated. Like a new computer upgrade, it unsentimentally replaces the old without a thought or doubt. So yet again, with the sun and Mercury still in Cancer, we may be holding on to certain sentiments or feelings which quite simply are now in need of a fresh slate. The more we can invite the positive Cancerian qualities of empathy and supportiveness, while also allowing the energetic upgrades of Uranus to clear stale old emotions or attachments (especially those connected to our family or childhoods), the more we can thrive now. Then we can experience ‘the best of Cancer’ without the old drama and baggage. And Uranus, with its promising trine to the full moon, can also up-level the goals and direction we are re-committing ourselves to now.

*art by @slovinsky.art