Full Moon in Virgo 2024

February 24 7:28 AM EST

This is both a subtle and fierce full moon all rolled into one, that has as much potency and healing potential and we are ready to accept. When Pisces season rolls around (and the Virgo full moon is always during Pisces season) things get a little bit soft around the edges. Pisces is the sign of spirituality, unity consciousness, and empathy. There is a need to pull back and focus on our inner experiences, and processing the wide array of sensory information we are constantly picking up from the world around us. Virgo, Pisces’ opposite and complement, is the tool of discernment through which we can best sort and categorize this information and then take practical action on it. So that is certainly part of this full moon. Catching our breath, observing, relaxing and feeling our way through things instead of pushing, rushing or forcing. But there are also a lot of other things going on.

Whenever the three inner planets (Mars, Venus, Mercury) are conjunct one of the social planets (Jupiter, Saturn) and especially the outer planets (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) – this often indicates seismic shifts. The outer planets connect us to higher levels of vibration and information, and so when our personal planets (which really symbolize how we go through the world on an everyday basis) are impacted by the outer planets there can be big changes. These shifts are not only related to events that happen during that time period, but also indicate the potential for deep inner transformation which upgrades our whole way of perceiving things moving forward.

Pluto is now at 1 degree of Aquarius, and all three of the personal planets passed over Pluto in the weeks before this full moon (Mercury on February 5th, Mars on February 14th, Venus on February 16th). And while speedy Mercury is all the way up to 2 degrees of Pisces by the time of the full moon, Mars and Venus are still in early Aquarius and conjunct Pluto. Pluto’s work with these two most seminal planets is not over yet. Mars is at 8 degrees Aquarius, and Venus at 9 degrees. Venus passed over Mars just days before the full moon, on February 22nd. The Venus/Mars conjunction is in itself an annual event of some significance, being as it represents the Divine Feminine (Venus) and Divine Masculine (Mars) coming together. The fact that they are also conjunct Pluto makes this an extra significant Mars/Venus conjunction. And on top of this, full moons in general are associated with relationships and the bringing together of opposites. So we have a very significant relationship theme at the moment.

And where Pluto is, there is transformation. So our existing relationships may be undergoing major transformations. And for those looking for new personal, professional, or romantic relationships there may be new people arriving and/OR major changes to what we believe we want and desire in this realm. The sign of Aquarius itself is progressive and futuristic, so we may be starting to see possibilities and potentialities that up until this point we could not imagine. And imagination is important here. Pisces is not only connected with spirituality but with the deep unfathomable recesses of our imagination: the two sources are in fact one and the same. So we can give ourselves permission now to let our imagination roam wild and free and explore the new Aquarian horizons that are starting to appear before us.

And then lean on our Virgo discernment to make sense of it all. The full moon at 5 degrees of Virgo is the lone planet (luminary actually, but we can say planet for simplicity) in that part of the sky. ALL other planets are currently tightly compacted in the zodiac, spanning between 1 degree Aquarius (Pluto) and 19 degrees Taurus (Uranus). This is an incredibly tight group, again creating a certain level of potency and urgency that is not always present when we have both the sun and moon in go-with-the-flow mutable signs, which Pisces and Virgo are. So from all the way over on the other side of the zodiac, the Virgo full moon has quite a bit of distance to see things from a “birds eye view”- and we should invite this perspective! Especially if we feel things are very intense for us right now, this full moon could give us exactly the kind of practical answers and perspective we need.

Because we are indeed being asked to look at what is important to us, and to make adjustments. This theme is echoed not only by the Pluto/Venus/Mars conjunction, but by virtually all of the other aspects in the chart as well. Mercury, the other personal planet, is the ruler of the lunation since it is the ruler of Virgo. At 2 degrees of Pisces, Mercury is conjunct both the sun (at 5 degrees Pisces) and Saturn at 9 degrees Pisces. So all 3 of the personal planets are in conjunctions with the social/outer planets.

Saturn is the overseer of karma (cause and effect) and in opposition to the full moon, and conjunct Mercury, Saturn is a BIG player in this full moon chart. Saturn can been feared in astrology but need not be. It simply represents the archetypal principal of responsibility, rules, and order. Where we are not in integrity, or in synch with natural law, OR the rhythms and currents of our own soul purpose (which Pisces is intimately connected to) we run up against Saturn. Not to “punish” us, but so we can be redirected back towards what is in highest alignment for us. If we have been financially irresponsible, for example, Saturn indicates where and how this is negatively impacting us, so we can course correct. It is worth revisiting a more detailed article I wrote in winter 2023 when Saturn first entered Pisces, for a macro look at the 3 year journey of Saturn in Pisces. This is our first full moon opposing Saturn in Pisces so it is an excellent time to check in on how we are doing with the themes laid out here, 1 year into this 3 year transit. Neptune also is in late Pisces, but at 26 degrees is not aspecting the full moon.

Let’s not forget Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter is now at 10 degrees of Taurus making its final push and getting ready for its epic conjunction with Uranus at 21 degrees of that sign on April 20th of this year. Right now, during the full moon, Uranus is still at 19 degrees Taurus. Between mid-July and late October 2023, Jupiter and Uranus were within orb of a conjunction in mid Taurus, as they are now. But then Jupiter retrograded back to the early degrees and away from Uranus. But has just gotten close enough now for us to be feeling this “lead up” energy to the big April 20th conjunction. We can also think back to what was happening in our lives between mid-July and late October of last year and projects or plans that we may have started then, seeds we might have sown, are finally getting ready to move to the next level. Since May 2023 when Jupiter in Taurus began, we have been being asked to be diligent about tending to what we are cultivating in a patient and thorough way. Again, this will also be part of what Saturn in Pisces is “checking in with us” about. We simply cannot get the ideal outcomes if we are not watering our seeds and being consistent in our efforts. Between now and late April is GO time!

And finally, we should not underestimate the significance and importance of these current rare aspects and transits to pointing us on a higher path in our lives, not just in the coming weeks and months but in the whole big picture. Again, it is not common to have all planets clustered within 110 degrees of each other (the zodiac is, of course, 360 degrees). It is not common to have all personal planets conjunct outer planets. We have BIG invitations and opportunities now. This is powerfully underscored by the fact that the north node of the moon (symbolizing our destiny) is EXACTLY conjunct Chiron, the asteroid of healing, during this full moon. This exact conjunction, at 16 degrees of Aries, lasts less than a month and won’t return again for 19 years. So if we are READY to upgrade and uplevel our relationships and sense of personal power (Pluto/Venus/Mars), to claim FULL responsibility for where we are in our journey and re-route back towards a soul-oriented path (Saturn/Mercury/Sun/Moon), and allow the radical seeds of rebirth and new growth to blossom in our lives (Jupiter/Uranus) then this can be a truly significant time of healing and forward progress.

Chiron tells us “I know you have been wounded, I know you have suffered, but it’s time to alchemize that pain into medicine and use it to empower yourself and others”. If we really want to accept that invitation, we can do it now. The sun in Pisces is whispering the messages to us, and the full moon in Virgo will help us with the practical steps to get to the other side.

*art by @sarashakeel