Lunar Eclipse in Libra 2024

March 25 3 AM EST

While eclipse season technically began during the New Moon in Pisces which kicked off this lunar month, this is the first actual eclipse of this very potent two month long spring eclipse season! Ever since the new moon on the 10th we may have been feeling this transformational energy more strongly than ever. While in general 2024 is a year of massive change and transformation, eclipse seasons tend to hold and consolidate some of the most potent catalytic energies, so often whatever has been simmering rises to the surface to be dealt with during these times.

It is noteworthy that the first of the two eclipses in a lunar eclipse, followed by a solar eclipse. Lunar eclipses are full moons and like all full moons they are connected to relationships and situations reaching fruition or culmination. By contrast, new moon solar eclipses are connected to new beginnings. So the message here is that we have to make necessary transitions within situations and relationships that require adjustment or closure, before we can dive into the fresh waters of the solar eclipse (which is around the corner on April 8th).

This point is emphasized even more strongly by the fact that the eclipses themselves fall in the signs of Libra (relationships) and Aries (self/identity). So before we can move to a new phases of our personal identity and individual path forward (Aries solar eclipse) we must address relationship issues (Libra lunar eclipse). And this theme is also emphasized by the fact that this Libra lunar eclipse is a South Node eclipse connecting it to lessons of past karma. Whereas the upcoming Aries solar eclipse is a not only a total eclipse but is also a North Node eclipse, connecting it to our destiny moving forward in this lifetime.

The eclipse falls at 5 degrees of Libra, and is opposed by both the sun, at 5 degrees of Aries, and Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces. The influence of Neptune here is interesting. It highlights that much of what we may need to address or consider is the role that fantasy, illusion, deception, wishful thinking, pretending, denial, or addiction play in our relationships or the current situations that are on the table for us. These shadow lower vibrational aspects of Neptune/Pisces can be confusing to discern or address.

The temptation to white-washing things or continuing old unhealthy patterns due to inertia, denial or apathy can be strong. But this is our time to face those situations and shine the full moon’s light on them. If we can do that, then Libra’s promise of restored balance and harmony can be brought to fruition. Not all relationships and situations can or will be mended, but even if the renewed sense of balance and peace is internal rather than interpersonal, it is still an opportunity for improvement. Libra is concerned with fairness and equilibrium. Where the scales have been tipped unfairly, or “wrongs need to be righted”, this is a brilliant opportunity. But airy Libra is impartial and unsentimental in its approach to restoration and rebalancing, so we would also be wise to follow this lead, and keep things calm and factual rather than overly emotional or dramatic.

Venus, Libra’s ruling planet and hence the ruler of the eclipse, is at 16 degrees of Pisces and conjunct Saturn at 12 degrees of that sign. The conjunction of love and money planet Venus with pragmatic and responsible Saturn further echoes the themes we have been discussing. Saturn urges us to see things as they are, rather than through Neptune’s cloud of confusion or wishful thinking. Saturn draws our attention to faulty foundations so they can be addressed and remedied, if indeed we are willing to put in the serious effort. There are no short cuts with Saturn. If we are not willing to put in the work and effort, Saturn reminds us that our time and resources are precious and finite and we must choose how to direct our energy accordingly. We may decide certain situations are no longer worth the effort for us.

However we approach these dynamics and conversations, and whether we are the one initiating them or on the receiving end, it is important to take full responsibility. Saturn is all about accountability, and the more we deflect responsibility, the more drama may end up getting kicked up. And this could be challenging, especially since with Mars/Venus/Saturn/Neptune all in Pisces, the invitation to escapism or denial remains strong. Mars in Pisces is apt to look for loopholes or try to reach its goals in opaque indirect ways, so we must watch for others who may try to manipulate us, or our own tendencies towards passive-aggressiveness or manipulation. These strategies will likely backfire, as Mars too is approaching conjunction with master realist Saturn.

The combination of Saturn and Venus speaks not only to taking accountability in relationships, but also situations where we may have been saddled with unfair amounts of stress or responsibility. This entire three year transit of Saturn in Pisces (2023-2026) has to do with setting boundaries, and getting in right relationship with Spiritual Law and our soul path. If we have been feeling crushed under the weight of duties and obligations that were never ours to begin with, or we just kind of slipped into a certain role subconsciously (low vibrational Pisces), we can likewise take a realistic look at the situation now, and reset boundaries so that we are only agreeing to what truly feels in soul-centered alignment (high vibrational Pisces) for us. Things that feel like they have been binding, restricting, or suppressing us can be released now.

Mercury is at 23 degrees Aries and getting close to its retrograde station at 27 Aries where it turns backwards on April 1st. This means that there may be various “phases” of dealing with these situations as conversations loop back around. Or perhaps we are in a complex negotiation that will require multiple rounds of conversation. Again, the more direct, honest, fair, pragmatic, balanced, and realistic we can be from the start will help us keep our side of the street clean and minimize drama. Mercury is also conjunct Chiron at 18 degrees Aries. The wounded healer Chiron is very powerful during this entire eclipse season helping us remember that when we meet these situations in high integrity, we are actually alchemizing healing at a much deeper level than we can imagine, and the ripple effects are strong and meaningful.

Jupiter and Uranus are getting close to their mega-conjunction on April 20th! At 15 and 20 degrees of Taurus respectively, they are directing a supportive sextile towards Venus/Saturn/Neptune in the middle late degrees of Pisces. Where confronting the hard reality (Saturn) of certain situations can indeed feel overwhelming and destabilizing (Pisces), Jupiter and Uranus remind us that after we have done the hard work, there is a liberating fresh start just around the corner. The sizzle of electricity, opportunity and new breakthroughs symbolized by this aspect is potent and we can experience it to our own highest capacity next month if and when we have first dealt with these outstanding issues.

Finally, transformational Pluto at 1 degree of Aquarius is forming a beautiful trine to the eclipse, and sextile to the sun/Neptune. When Pluto is active, things in our life are not merely changed they are fully alchemized. We cannot put the genie back in the bottle. And nor would we want to. In trine, Pluto works more gently, coaxing and inviting us to embrace these perhaps inevitable transitions with minimal struggle and resistance. And like Libra’s cool detachment, Aquarius too is an air sign, preferring to consider the big picture rather than get too stuck in the weeds. So the more we can zoom out now and put everything into a larger context, whatever that means for us, the more we may be able to resist the Piscean tendency to wallow, resist or avoid addressing things or moving forward.

Even if things seem tightly wound right now, and for many they certainly, are- it’s helpful to remember that nothing that is happening is to “punish” us or create needless suffering. Saturn is not “mean” or arbitrary. It is merely honest and realistic. So remembering that and taking that approach is useful. And when we can step through everything that is coming up now in as high-integrity a way as possible, we can be sure that some exciting fresh opportunities and new beginnings are just around the corner.

*art by @kaylafineart